It looks like a couple of sequel trilogy locations will be showing up in Star Wars Outlaws

We recently learned about Star Wars Outlaws, the newest Star Wars game that’s being billed as the first truly open-world game to come from the franchise. It centers on Kay Vess, who’s trying to make it as a scoundrel in the galaxy in the time set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Given the fact that this game is about the criminal syndicates, there are a ton of familiar locations that make sense to visit. We see in both the cinematic trailer and the gameplay trailer that Tatooine will be included, which is about as obvious as it gets. Jabba the Hutt rules from the planet, and his power among the Hutt Council as one of the most influential crime bosses in the galaxy is as strong as ever in this period. There are plenty of other planets that could be visited, but we also catch glimpses of two other familiar locations to sequel trilogy fans.

The first is Kijimi, which has been officially confirmed as being included. Kay visits the snowy planet that was created for The Rise of Skywalker. It’s the location where Poe Dameron reunites with Zorii Bliss trying to aid the Resistance, but it’s also the place where Dameron and Bliss worked for the Spice Runners years before. The planet has a long history with gangs and the criminal underworld, so it seems like a perfect choice to include in this game. And I’m excited to get to explore the planet in the game.

The other location isn’t yet officially confirmed, but in the cinematic trailer we glimpsed what sure looks like Cantonica, the home of Canto Bight, the luxury world visited in The Last Jedi. It’s a world that serves as a retreat for the wealthiest in the galaxy, those who fund war but are removed from its devastating effects. And, like Kijimi, it’s a world that was a haven for criminals, making it another perfect choice. We see a villainous-looking figure overlooking what appears to be the city, so I wonder if we’ll see one of the crime bosses operating from the planet. Either way, I’d love to be able to explore this location as well.

I’m sure that we can expect other familiar planets to pop up in this game, alongside brand new worlds like Toshara, when Outlaws releases sometime in 2024.

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