Authors tease the upcoming third phase of Star Wars: The High Republic

A major source of Star Wars stories the past few years has been through the High Republic era. Set 200 years before the events of the prequel trilogy, this is a period of great expansion and exploration for the galaxy, but it’s also a time where the Republic and the Jedi have been unexpectedly tested by a group of raiders known as the NIhil.

The era began in January 2021 with the first of three planned phases. The second phase jumped back in time to provide additional context and stories, but phase three will pick up where the first phase left off and continue the story from there. That third (and final) phase of this High Republic initiative begins this fall, kicking off with George Mann’s The Eye of Darkness. It’s set a year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon (the event that ended Phase I) and will deal with Marchion Ro and the Nihil, as well as Avar Kriss and the Jedi. A comic mini-series by Charles Soule, Shadows of Starlight, will fill in the gaps of that year-long period.

There is plenty to look forward to in Phase III, and recently the Star Wars social media team put together a brief montage of clips from various authors teasing what’s to come. The video includes tidbits from authors Justina Ireland, George Mann, Cavan Scott, and Charles Soule, as well as artist Harvey Tolibado, talking about the era and the stories that we’ll be reading.

“Phase III is more about triumph,” Ireland said. “It’s about seeing the Jedi come back when they’re on the back foot.”

We’ll be seeing that when the High Republic returns this November. For now, though, check out what these authors have to say about it:

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